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Winter Slumber
Loch Garten. Days of fog and frost sugar coat the banks of this beautiful Strathspey loch in the Cairngorms National Park
The remains of the day
Loch Morlich and the Cairngorms. A Mix of Graffiti and nature. The remains of the foolhardy and adventurers leave their echings behind under the oncoming nightfall.
Loch Morlich, Cairngorms. The last patch of water before being totally frozen, edge to edge across the loch.
Pool of Sunshine
Loch Pityoulish. Cairngorms National Park. A bitter sunset given warmth in the reflective unfrozen section of the loch.
On the edge
Port meadow, Wolvercote, Oxford. The village of Wolvercote sandwiched by the River Thames and the Oxford canal.